Monday, March 26, 2007

has God forgotten Haiti?

This morning someone found a poem stuffed in a book at Monsieur Alexandre’s house.

Many times it crossed my mind,

And then I think of Sister Mary Rose,

And all the volunteers who live in intolerable conditions,

And the children laughing and singing,
And all the people dressed in their best, sitting in mass in the heat,
And Briole working so hard for democracy in his community,

And the fete – celebrating adult literacy,
And the loving respect given the old,

And Madam Bouger’s sister bringing her food,

And the children eating at the convent,

And everyone sharing the one bottle of fresh water,
And John David opening his home to orphans,
And Father Marc loving 210 children,

And the incredible HOPE of the people…

And I KNOW, God is Alive, and Active, and VITAL,

In Haiti,

And WE, in our lives of plenty –

Have forgotten God.

-- Author Unknown

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